Huwebes, Setyembre 4, 2014

The Anthrax 


What Is Anthrax?

Bacillus Anthracis 
 Anthrax caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. The bacteria can form spores, which have a hard coating that allows them to survive in harsh environment. the spores are temporarily inactive from germ enclosed in a protective shell. Most forms of the disease are lethal, and it affects both humans and animals. Effective vaccines against anthrax are now available, and some forms of the disease respond well to antibiotic treatment.  The Anthrax is find globally in temperate zone including the united  state. Most of the time anthrax bacteria live in an inactive form called spores. Inactive anthrax spores live naturally in soil and can be carried in the wool or on the skin of animals-usually cows, sheep, or goats. A hard coating helps the spores survive heat, drying, and radiation for long periods of time.  

What Are The Type Of Anthrax and Their Symptom?

There is three type of Anthrax:

1.) Cutaneous (Skins) 
Example Of  Cutaneous Infection
         The cutaneous can effect the infected part of  the skin by the spore between two to five days of exposure  to the anthrax virus. The exposure to cutaneous anthrax infections normally do not cause pain and also it can be cure by antibiotics, but it is better to go in the hospital for checkup and proper treatment.  Without treatment, about 20% of cutaneous skin infection cases progress to toxemia and death. Cutaneous Anthrax is less severe cause of infection.

2.) Pulmonary or Inhalation (Lungs)

The Process Of Inhalatin

           The pulmonary or inhalation is effected the the lungs when inhale the spore of the anthrax, the symptoms when human infected is cold or flu-like for several days. Then follow by pneumonia and severe respiratory collapse. Historical mortality was 92%, but, when treated early (seen in the 2001 anthrax attacks), observed mortality was 45%. Inhalation Anthrax is much more severe cause of infection.

3.)Gastrointestinal (Digestive)
The Gastrointestinal infect human is most often by consuming infected meet product. The symptom is vomiting blood and severe diarrhea, acute inflammation of the intestinal tracts, and loss of appetiteIinfections can be treated, but usually result in fatality rates of 25% to 60%, depending upon how soon treatment commences.
In the united state only two official cases of infection of Gastrointestinal anthrax.An outbreak of anthrax among people who had eaten meat from a dead carabao was reported in Cagayan Province in the Philippines in early 2010, with over 400 cases of illness and at least two fatalities.Gastrointestinal Anthrax more severe cause of infection. 

Who are the affected living organism?

1.) Herbivorous Wild Animal

Wild herbivorous animal are at risk to anthrax, such as deer,  wildebeest, elephant, and etc. this happen because that anthrax can survive in plants and soil for along period of time. When the herbivorous animals eat infected plants, inhale anthrax, and touching the ground with anthrax.

2.) Domesticated Livestock

Domesticated livestock are also at risk such as sheep, goat, horses, swine, and etc. 

3.) Humans 

 Anthrax was use in bioterrorism and as biological weapon. Like in 2001 in the united state, terrorist use anthrax and send it by a post letter and when inhale it automatic you have been expose to the bacillus anthracis. It cause 22 anthrax infection. The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention ) take anthrax as category A agent.

How can I keep from getting Anthrax?

To lower your risk of getting anthrax from a natural source:
  • Do not eat meat that has not been properly slaughtered and cooked.
  • Do not work with raw animal hides, fur or skin, especially those of goats, sheep, or cows.

To lower your risk of getting anthrax if terrorists release spores on purpose:
  • If you were exposed to a suspicious substance or if you were in an area thought to contain anthrax spores, it may help to wash your skin and hair thoroughly with soap and water. It may also help to change and wash your clothing, or if you cannot wash your clothes immediately, put them in a plastic bag to keep them separate from your other things. In such an emergency, SFDPH will provide specific instructions.

Is there a Medicine to Prevent Anthrax Disease?

Yes. If you have been exposed to anthrax, there are certain antibiotics you can take before you get sick as a way to prevent illness. These antibiotics can prevent anthrax disease, even if the anthrax spores have already gotten into your body. They work best when you start taking them as soon as possible after anthrax exposure. In an emergency involving anthrax, SFDPH will announce which antibiotics to take, who should take them, how and where you can get them, and how to take them after exposure to anthrax.

Is there a Vaccine (shot) to Prevent Anthrax?

Yes there is a vaccine but it is in short supply and is available only for the military.

Can I Catch Anthrax from Someone?

No. Anthrax is spread by contact with spores, not by contact with sick people. No one has ever been known to catch anthrax directly from another person who is sick with anthrax.

What are the Signs of Anthrax Disease?

  • Lung Anthrax or Pneumonia is the most likely form of disease after an intentional release of anthrax and occurs by breathing in anthrax spores. After exposure, it usually takes 2-7 days (but sometimes up to 2 months) until illness starts. First there are a few days of symptoms like headache, cough, and muscle aches. But there is usually no runny nose. Then after a few days, there can be trouble breathing, chest pain, large lymph glands, worse headache, stomach pain, and vomiting or diarrhea. With lung anthrax, bacteria almost always enters the bloodstream, leading to severe illness or death.
  • Skin Anthrax occurs when spores enter the body through a break in the skin. Within 7 days, a painless skin blister appears at the point of entry. This blister becomes a painless open sore and then a black scab.
  • Intestine Anthrax occurs after eating under cooked meat from an animal that has anthrax infection. An upset stomach develops 2-5 days afterward. Later there can be bloody diarrhea, fever, and severe stomach pain.

Is there Treatment for Anthrax Disease?

Yes. All three forms of anthrax disease (lung, skin, and intestine) can be treated with the proper antibiotics. However, the chance of cure depends on how soon treatment gets started and on whether the disease is in lung, skin, or intestine. Nearly everyone who has skin anthrax can be cured with proper antibiotics.
Lung anthrax is the most dangerous. In 2001, only half of those with lung anthrax survived, even with antibiotics and hospital treatment. This is why it is so important for people with anthrax exposure to start taking antibiotics before they get sick.

What is being done to check for Anthrax in the Mail?

The U.S. Postal Service now tests for anthrax where mail is sorted, including the San Francisco mail sorting center. Anthrax in mail could be quickly found and steps would be taken to protect postal workers and the public.
